Journal Articles Highlighted
1. Ion transport in graphene nanofluidic channels
Quan Xie, Fang Xin, Hyung Gyu Park, Chuanhua Dua, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 19527-19535
2. Failure mechanism of the polymer infiltration of carbon nanotube forests
Jakob Buchheim, Hyung Gyu Park, Nanotechnology, 27, 46, 464001-464010, 2016
3. Architecture and Transport Properties of Membranes out of Graphene
Jakob Buchheim, Roman M. Wyss, Chang-Min Kim, Mengmeng Deng, Hyung Gyu Park, Membrane Journal, 4, 239-252, 2016
4. High Conformity and Large Domain Monocrystalline Anatase on Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Core–Shell Nanostructure: Synthesis, Structure, and Interface
Yucheng Zhang, Carlos Guerra-Nuñez, Meng Li, Johann Michler, Hyung Gyu Park, Marta D. Rossell, Rolf Erni, Ivo Utke, Chem. Mater., 28, 3488–3496, 2016
5. Understanding the interaction between energetic ions and freestanding graphene towards practical 2D perforation.
Jakob Buchheim, Roman M. Wyss, Ivan Shorubalko, Hyung Gyu Park, Nanoscale, 8, 8345 - 8354, 2016
6. Understanding the interaction between energetic ions and freestanding graphene towards practical 2D perforation.
Jakob Buchheim, Roman M. Wyss, Ivan Shorubalko, Hyung Gyu Park, arXiv, 1601.03001, 2016.
7. Morphology and crystallinity control of ultrathin TiO2 layers deposited on carbon nanotubes by temperature-step atomic layer deposition
Carlos Guerra-Nunez, Yucheng Zhang, Meng Li, Vipin Chawla, Rolf Erni, Johann Michler, Hyung G. Park, Ivo Utke
Nanoscale, 7, 10622-10633, 2015.
8. Contact Transfer Length Investigation of a 2D Nanoparticle Network by Scanning Probe Microscopy
Carlos S. Ruiz-Vargas, Patrick A. Reissner, Tino Wagner, Roman M. Wyss, Hyung Gyu Park, Andreas Stemmer, Nanotechnology, 26, 365701, 2015.
9. Water-assisted growth of uniform 100 mm diameter SWCNT arrays
Roman M. Wyss, Jennifer E. Klare, Hyung Gyu Park, Aleksandr Noy, Olgica Bakajin, Valentin Lulevich, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 6, 21019-21025, 2014.
10. Manufacturing Over Many Scales: High Fidelity MacroscaleCoverage of Nanoporous Metal Arrays via Lift-Off-Free Nanofabrication
Ali Ozhan Altun , Tiziana Bond , Hyung Gyu Park, Advanced Materials Interfaces , 1, 1400084, 2014
11. Ultimate Permeation Across Atomically Thin Porous Graphene
Kemal Celebi, Jakob Buchheim (equal contribution), Roman M. Wyss, Amirhossein Droudian, Patrick Gasser, Ivan Shorubalko, Jeong-Il Kye, Changho Lee, Hyung Gyu Park, Science, 344, 289-292, 2014
12. Modeling and Optimization of Atomic Layer Deposition Processes on Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
N. Yazdani, V. Wood, H.G. Park, I. Utke, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 5, 234-244, 2014.
13. Enhanced Charge Transport Kinetics in Anisotropic, Stratified Photoanodes
N. Yazdani, D. Bozyigit, I. Utke, J. Buchheim, S.K. Youn, J. Patscheider, V. Wood, H.G. Park, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6, 1389-1393, 2014.
14. Fabrication of Flexible, Aligned Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Composite Membranes by In-Situ Polymerization
S. Kim, F. Fornasiero, H.G. Park, J.B. In, E. Meshot, G. Giraldo, M. Stadermann, M. Fireman, J. Shan, C.P. Grigoropoulos, O. Bakajin, Journal of Membrane Science, 460, 91-98, 2014.
15. Growth Kinetics and Uniform Scaling-up of Graphene Synthesis
K. Celebi, M. T. Cole, N. Rupesinghe, P. Greenwood3, L. Tao, D. Akinwande, J. Robertson, H. G. Park, and K. B. K. Teo, ECS Trans, 53, 17-26, 2013.
16. Rapid Water Transport in Graphitic Nanoenvironment for Energy Technology Applications
H.G. Park (first and co-corresponding author), Y. Jung
Chemical Society Reviews (Invited Review), DOI: 10.1039/c3cs60253b, 2013.
17. Morphological Evolution of Fe-Mo Bimetallic Catalysists for Diameter and Density Modulation of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
S. K. Youn, H.G. Park, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117, 18657-18665, 2013.
18. Carbon Micronymphaea: Graphene on Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
J. W. Choi, S. K. Youn, H.G. Park, Journal of Nanomaterials, 13, Article ID 734686, 2013.
19. Low-Bias Active Control of TeraHertz-waves by Coupling Large-Area CVD-Graphene to a TeraHertz-Metamaterial
F. Valmorra, G. Scalari, C. Maissen, W. Fu, C. Schönenberger, J.W. Choi, H.G. Park, M. Beck, J. Faist, Nano Letters, 13, 3193-3198, 2013.
20. Metal-Dielectric-CNT Nanowires for Femtomolar Detection by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
A.O. Altun, N. Yazdani, S.K. Youn, T. Bond, H.G. Park, Advanced Materials (COVER ARTICLE), 25, 4431-4436, 2013.
21. Evolutionary Kinetics of Graphene Formation on Copper
K. Celebi, M.T. Cole, J.W. Choi, F. Wyczisk, P. Legagneux, N. Rupesinghe, J. Robertson, K.B.K. Teo, H.G. Park, Nano Letters, 13, 967-974, 2013.
22. Facile Diameter Control of Vertically Aligned, Narrow Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
S.K. Youn, N. Yazdani, J. Patscheider, H.G. Park, RSC Advances, 3, 1434-1441, 2013. (supported by SNSF)
23. Temperature Gradient Chemical Vapor Deposition of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
S.K. Youn, C.E. Frouzakis, B. Pagadala Gopi, J. Robertson, K.B.K. Teo, H.G. Park
Carbon, 54, 343-352, 2012 (supported by SNSF).
24. Graphite Coating of Iron Nanowires for Nanorobotic Applications: Synthesis, Characterization and Magnetic Wireless Manipulation
M.A. Zeeshan, S. Pané, S.K. Youn, E. Pellicer, S. Schuerle, J. Sort, S. Fusco, H.G. Park, B.J. Nelson, Advanced Functional Materials (INSIDE COVER ARTICLE), 23, 823–831, 2012.
25. Observation of Early Stage Graphene Growth on Copper
K. Celebi, M.T. Cole, K.B.K. Teo, H.G. Park, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 15, K1-K4, 2011.
26. Observation of the Graphene Surface Structure at the Early Stages of Graphene Growth on Copper
K. Celebi, A.O. Altun, K.B.K. Teo, H.G. Park, ECS Transactions, 35, 147-159, 2011.
27. Perspective Review: Recent Advances in Nanoelectrode Architecture for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production
H. G. Park, J. K. Holt,
Energy & Environmental Science, 3, 1028-1036, 2010.
28. pH-Tunable Ion Selectivity in Carbon Nanotube Pores
F. Fornasiero, J. B. In, S. Kim, H. G. Park, Y. Wang, C. P. Grigoropoulos, A. Noy, O. Bakajin, Langmuir, 26, 14848-14853, 2010.
29. Mechanism and Kinetics of Growth Termination in Controlled Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Arrays
M. Stadermann, S.P. Sherlock, J.-B. In, F. Fornasiero, H.G. Park, A.B. Artyukhin, Y. Wang, J.J. De Yoreo, C.P. Grigoropoulos, O. Bakajin, A.A. Chernov, A. Noy, Nano Letters, 9, 738-744, 2009.
30. From the Cover: Nanomaterials in Medicine Special Feature Sackler Colloquium: Ion Exclusion by Sub-2-nm Carbon Nanotube Pores
F. Fornasiero, H.G. Park, J.K. Holt, C.P. Grigoropoulos, A. Noy, O. Bakajin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (COVER ARTICLE), 105, 17250-17255, 2008.
31. Slippery Nanopipes: Nanofluidics in Carbon Nanotube
A. Noy, H.G. Park, F. Fornasiero, J.K. Holt, C.P. Grigoropoulos, O. Bakajin, Nano Today (Invited Review & COVER ARTICLE), 2, 22-29, 2007.
32. Transport in Packed-Bed and Wall-Coated Steam-Methanol Reformers
M.T. Lee, R. Greif, C. P. Grigoropoulos, H.G. Park, F. Hsu, Journal of Power Sources, 166, 194-201, 2007.
33. A MEMS-based Reformed Methanol Fuel Cell for Portable Power
J.D. Morse, R.S. Upadhye, R.T. Graff, C. Spadaccini, H.G. Park, E. Hart, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 17, S237-S242, 2007.
34. Fast Mass Transport Through Sub-2nm Carbon Nanotubes
J.K. Holt, H.G. Park (equal contribution co-first author), Y. Wang, M. Stadermann, A.B. Artyukhin, C.P. Grigoropoulos, A. Noy, O. Bakajin, Science (COVER ARTICLE), 312, 1034-1037, 2006.
35. Methanol Steam Reformer on a Silicon Wafer
H.G. Park, J. Malen, W.T. Piggott, J.D. Morse, R. Greif, C.P. Grigoropoulos, M. Havstad, R. Upadhye, The Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 15, 976-985, 2006
36. Numerical Analysis on the Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristic of Wood-flour-filled Polypropylene Melt in an Extrusion Die
S.H. Ko, H.G. Park, M.H. Song, C.-J. Kim, Transactions of KSME B, 147-154, 2003.
37. Heat Transfer Analysis in a PDP Ventilation Chamber
H.G. Park, J.D. Chung, C.-J. Kim, J.S. Lee, H.J. Park, Y.M. Cho, H.-K. Cho, D.I. Park, Transactions of KSME, 2001.